Nurture & Thrive
As a writer, I try to write as often as I can, though finding the time can often be a challenge! But as it's my passion, I feel it's important to make the time and space for this area of my work.
My writing ranges from writing up my morning reflections which usually have a self-care and wellbeing theme, to writing up my research notes from my studying or workshop development.
Many aspects of education, teaching and learning can crop up as fascinating and relevant topics as I tutor and teach. Quite often a blog post is inspired by the students I'm helping. My clients are all so different that I find I'm continually learning from them. They help to keep me fresh, inspired, connected and in-tune with learning, education and cognitive and relational psychology.
I also write poetry which I haven't actually included on my website. But I'm currently collating my poems to create another book. In the meantime, if you did want to sample some of my poems, you could check them out in my book, more information on which is available in the Book section of this website.
Some of my writing stems from other areas of personal and professional interest that I feel compelled to explore and share.
If any of the posts and themes help, educate, support or inspire others then that would be a fantastic accomplishment.
I hope you do browse, read, reflect and enjoy.
Happy reading!

Listening Skills in Helping Work: Part 2
10th May 2023
How can we help others grow and thrive? What skills can we develop and barriers can we avoid?
When it comes to being listened to, and feeling heard, we know when we’re being 'tuned out.'
However, giving our full uncompromised attention when we listen is not as easy as it might sound. Let's take a look at why and what gets in the way.

Listening Skills in Helping Work: Part 1
15th April 2023
What are Reflective and Active Listening skills and why are they an excellent tool for any mental health therapist, educator, friend, parent and human being?
Some of us are good natural, intuitive active and reflective listeners. Some of us are not. What is reflective and active listening and how can we develop these skills to benefit people in our lives and them more effectively?
Understanding Test Anxiety
27th March 2023
What many may not realise is that Test Anxiety is an actual recognised type of performance anxiety that has real physical, as well as mental symptoms that can impact our children’s ability to ‘perform’ well in exam conditions.
How can we as teachers, parents and carers, employers, counsellors, social workers, health professionals, or indeed anyone who has a duty of care or who works with young people, realistically help someone with mild or moderate test anxiety?

Empathy in Counselling and Education: Why empathy is essential in Person-Centred counselling, education, and relationships
10th December 2022
Empathy is understanding how and why someone feels the way they do, walking in their shoes alongside them, seeing the world from their perspective without judgement or criticism.